A (Not Quite) Perfect Tableless CSS Image Gallery

I am a tableless CSS image gallery, but I don't have full browser support yet, because my floats have not been cleared, and/or HasLayout has not been triggered to fix ie7 and ie6 bugs. Even though my markup is fully valid XHTML 1.0 Strict I am limp and unimpressive! Meeooow...

Another (Not Quite) Perfect Tableless CSS Image Gallery

I am another tableless CSS gallery I don't have full browser support yet either. And because the floats in the above tableless CSS image gallery were not properly cleared, and/or HasLayout has not been triggered to fix ie7 and ie6 bugs, I'm getting sucked up to fill the space above. Even though my markup is also fully valid XHTML 1.0 Strict I am limp and unimpressive and as you can see I do not always hold my position. Meeooow...

Ow noes I got sucked up too!

If you tested your CSS image gallery in ie6 or ie7 and it looked okay, there's a good chance it still looks like this for about 75% of your site's visitors. And conversely if you tested on any other browser and not ie6 or ie7 it is likely that about 25% of your user base are seeing your tableless CSS image gallery like this. Okay, so let's turn this nearly Perfect CSS Image Gallery into a Tableless CSS Image Gallery with Bulletproof Browser Support and prevent your other content from collapsing into the empty "cells".