Tableless CSS Image Gallery Supports Internet Explorer 6
I am a tableless CSS image gallery coded using an unordered list and I have full browser support for all modern browsers back to ie6. My markup is fully valid XHTML 1.0 Strict. Fear me! Grrrrh...
I'm floated left
I'm left floated too
So am I
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
Am I left floated too?
You sure are!
This Tableless CSS Image Gallery Won't Break in Any Browser
I am another tableless CSS image gallery coded using a styled unordered list and I have full browser support for all modern browsers right back to ie6. My markup is fully valid XHTML 1.0 Strict. Fear me too! Grrrrh... Grrrrh...
See how my header text is not sucked up into the empty "cell" above. That's because floats have been properly cleared and we've triggered HasLayout to fix ie7 and ie6 bugs.
Microsoft report the layout bug was fixed in ie7, but it appeared to us in this case the bug still affected our CSS image gallery layout. We solved the problem for ie7 the same way we did for the ie6 bug, by simply defining a width for the unordered list.
I float left
I float left too
So do I
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
Me too...
I'm with them!
Bulletproof Tableless CSS Image Gallery How-To Article
Read the full Tableless CSS Image Gallery with Bulletproof Browser Support For ALL Browsers, Even IE6 Article.